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I'm pleased to welcome you to my blog on the Washington Fire Department, which I started last year after starts and stops over the years. I've never been a firefighter, but my father and other relatives have been firefighters for years. Some of the posts in here were extracted from The News-Reporter and some I wrote from my own memories of fires in my lifetime

William T. Johnson

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sanburg, 2009

Liberty Street home saved Friday morning by quick, expert Washington fire fighters

As Washington firefighters finish their efforts to extinguish the fire in her rented home, Carrie Sanburg comforts her son.
Quick work by the Washington Fire Department saved a West Liberty Street home after a grease fire broke out Friday morning.

"The fire department did a terrific job saving that house," said the home's owner, Mercer Harris. "They were there within a minute of the call, and one volunteer even beat the fire truck there."

"My son was home sick, and I was cooking for him, and set the grease on fire," said Carrie Sanburg, who was renting the small yellow cottage. "Now I've burned the house up."

Washington Fire Chief Alan Poss said that the fire started in the kitchen and spread up into the wall and attic area. Firefighters from Washington's Station 1 extinguished the kitchen blaze, then broke through the ceiling to put out the small but stubborn fire in the attic. There was smoke damage throughout, with some fire damage in two rooms downstairs and two upstairs.

"Their quick response saved the house," Harris said. "It was just two or three minutes from being totally involved."

Wilkes EMS paramedics treated Sanburg for first-degree burns on her forearm and hand. Her child escaped injury. Another child was at school.

"I can't say enough about Chief Alan Poss and his firefighters," Harris said. "The unbelievably quick response time, and their professionalism fighting the fire - we have a fire department that's the envy of any small town."

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